Filosofisk fredagsseminar, 4. oktober, 2019

-----Maleri: Temperantia av Luca Giordano-----
Fredag den 4. oktober skal Sverre Hertzberg, som har mastergrad i filosofi fra IFIKK (UiO) og er tidligere redaktør av Filosofisk supplement, holde høstsemesterets første Filosofisk fredagsseminar. Tittel på seminaret vil annonseres omtrent to uker i forveien. Seminaret vil bestå av et foredrag på omtrent en time, etterfulgt av en pause på et kvarter, og avsluttes med en spørsmålsrunde på 30 minutter. Seminar vil bli holdt på engelsk.
The Morality of Self-control
This talk will explore the notion of self-control and the various conflicting intuitions we have about self-control in moral situations. Within psychology, self-control is regarded as a positive trait associated with success in life across all sorts of domains, such as better academic performances, higher earnings, better psychical health, and better social relationships. Kant also places a high value of self-control and sees moral virtue as the strength of will needed for fulfilling one’s duty. On the other hand, in Aristotle and many neo-Aristotelian theories of virtue, self-control is regarded as the ‘next best thing’. Within such theories, virtuous people should not need to exercise self-control in order to do the right thing, but should already desire to do good things. Thus, self-control reflects a conflict between desires and reason. I want to argue, drawing on Hursthouse and Foot, that we can unite these conflicting intuitions by qualifying Aristotle’s distinction between self-control and full virtue: Sometimes the need to exercise self-control in order to do the right thing undermines virtue, whereas in other circumstances it is required.
Tid: 4. oktober 2019, kl. 18.15-20
Sted: Seminarrom 219, Georg Morgenstiernes hus
Tittel: "The Morality of Self-Control"
Foredagsholder: Sverre Hertzberg, som har mastergrad i filosofi fra IFIKK (UiO)
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