About us

Filosofisk supplement is a student-run journal associated with the programme for Philosophy and History of Ideas at the University of Oslo (UiO). The journal is issued four times a year with a print run of 500. Our aims are to serve as a medium for dissemination of philosophy and to contribute to philosophical discussion both at the university and beyond. To these ends, we also organize seminars at a monthly basis, as well as other philosophically themed events, such as debates.

Write for us!

Are you interested in writing for us? We accept philosophical essays, interviews, as well as reviews of books, films, plays, exhibitions, and similar texts of philosophical interest. We would like to help you communicate your philosophical ideas, and therefore, we give you careful feedback on both the language and the content of your submitted material. We will provide specific suggestions for improvements to your text and promise a tight collaboration with you as a submitter. Do you have a finished text, an earlier work that can be revised, or just a good idea?

Contact us at  bidrag@filosofisksupplement.no


  • Send your submission in Word-format (not PDF) exclusively to bidrag@filosofisksupplement.no -- We look for serious academic papers
  • Papers can be written in any nordic language and english
  • We accept papers/articles, book reviews, translations, interviews, examination papers and chapters from BA- and MA-theses adapted for publishing
  • We accept papers written by people who do not study, or have not studied, philosophy
  • We consider texts not directly related to the theme of the next issue. These will most likely end up on the website instead of the physical magazine.
  • Papers are preferably no longer than 20 Word-pages (font size 12, line spacing 1.5)
  • We use endnotes, not footnotes
  • We do not accept papers without references
  • We use reference style Chicago B (https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide/citation-guide-2.html)

Contact information

E-mail address: Other inquiries (i.e., not pertaining to text submission) should be sent to redaksjon@filosofisksupplement.no.

Mail address: Filosofisk supplement IFIKK Postboks 1020, Blindern (0315 Oslo)

Office: Room 332, Georg Morgenstiernes hus (no set office hours)