Filosofisk fredagsseminar, 29. mars 2019

Cover Image for Filosofisk fredagsseminar, 29. mars 2019

-Bilde: Two Points of Seeing, Hearing, C. Marin-

Fredag den 29. mars skal Joanna Pollock, post.doc. i filosofi ved IFIKK (UiO), holde vårsemesterets andre Filosofisk fredagsseminar. Tittel på seminaret vil annonseres omtrent to uker i forveien. Seminaret vil bestå av et foredrag på omtrent en time, etterfulgt av en pause på et kvarter, og avsluttes med en spørsmålsrunde på 30 minutter. Seminar vil bli holdt på engelsk.


How well do we need to understand a speaker in order to gain knowledge from her speech? One attractive answer to this question is that we do not need a very sophisticated understanding of the content of a speaker’s testimony in order to gain knowledge from this testimony: so long as we grasp the right content, it does not matter how poorly we understand this content. Such a view looks especially promising when combined with the thesis that we share a public language that makes it very easy to grasp the content of a speaker’s testimony. Call this the ‘Liberal View’ of testimony. This view is attractive because it allows us to claim that we often and easily gain knowledge from others. In this talk, I argue that this picture is epistemically problematic. Unless a hearer possesses a relatively good understanding of what a speaker’s asserts, her resultant testimonial belief will lack sufficient warrant to qualify as knowledge. Given that we often do not possess a sufficiently good understanding of the testimony we consume, I argue that we acquire far less knowledge from testimony than the Liberal View suggests.

Tid: 29. mars 2019, kl. 18.15-20
Sted: Seminarrom 219, Georg Morgenstiernes hus
Tittel: "Can we gain knowledge through testimony that we do not understand?"
Foredagsholder: Joanna Pollock, post.doc. i filosofi ved IFIKK (UiO)

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