Filosofisk fredagsseminar, 14. september 2018

----Bilde: By the Mediterranean, Cross (1895)----
Fredag den 14. september skal Ken Mikkelsen, snart uteksaminert Master i filosofi ved IFIKK (UiO), holde høstsemesterets andre Filosofisk fredagsseminar. Tema for seminaret annonseres omtrent to uker i forveien. Seminaret vil bestå av et foredrag på omtrent en time, etterfulgt av en pause på et kvarter, og avsluttes med en spørsmålsrunde på 30 minutter.
Sammendrag: The Extended Mind thesis proposed by philosophers Andy Clark and David Chalmers posits that cognitive functions are extended into physical objects. Accordingly, thoughts are not confined to skin and skull. The proposition is that, in a very real way, a smart phone is part of your brain; enabling memory, communication, organisational tasks, and various computational functions. Every development cycle adds to the arsenal of applications these smart devices engage in. As a nexus of cognitive and cultural power, both potential and actual, smart phones enjoy an unprecedented access to our daily lives. But do they make us happy? Do they make us excellent?
To answer this question this talk will delve 2500 years into the past to explore Socratic and Aristotelian insight concerning the eudaimonic life and the nature of knowledge. If I do my job right, you'll be smashing your phones at the end of the talk.
Key texts: - The Extended Mind (1998), Clark and Chalmers - The Question Concerning Technology (1977), Heidegger - Ion and Phaedrus (400 BC), Platonic dialogues
Tid: 14. september 2018, kl. 18.15-20 Sted: Seminarrom 219, Georg Morgenstiernes hus Tittel: Virtual Virtue: Exploring the intersection between smart phones and happiness Foredagsholder: Ken Mikkelsen, Master-student i filosofi ved IFIKK (UiO)
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