Filosofisk fredagsseminar, 19. oktober 2018

-—Bilde: Melancolia I, Albrecht Dürer (1514)—-
Fredag den 19. oktober skal Joost Vecht, doktorgradskandidat i filosofi ved IFIKK (UiO), holde høstsemesterets fjerde Filosofisk fredagsseminar. Seminaret vil bestå av et foredrag på omtrent en time, etterfulgt av en pause på et kvarter, og avsluttes med en spørsmålsrunde på 30 minutter. Foredraget vil bli holdt på engelsk.
Sammendrag: We regularly make claims that people partially master something. For example, we can say that a student of mathematics has some idea of what a derivative is, but doesn't fully "get it" yet; or claim that a researcher was "on to something" without quite knowing what it was yet.
I will propose an account of what it means to partially master a mathematical concept. This is not done from any established metaphysical theory, but from an investigation of partial mastery attribution in historical practice. Using a case study of Newton and Leibniz, I show how we frequently re-interpret historical mathematicians who we consider to have "partially grasped" something. I suggest that this offers an argument for an attributive, projective theory of concepts, and against more Fregean theories of grasping fixed concepts.
Tid: 19. oktober 2018, kl. 18.15-20 Sted: Seminarrom 219, Georg Morgenstiernes hus Tittel: Partial Mastery of Mathematics Foredagsholder: Joost Vecht, doktorgradskandidat i filosofi ved IFIKK (UiO) og medlem av ConceptLab
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